Rogue Lineage Wiki

Morokh Reservoir (Arid Sea)[]

  • Shops
    • Contains Weapon Shop(no daggers), Meat Shop, Merchant, Weaving Sub-class Trainer, Sword Seller, Monster Hunter NPC, and Engineer. Also contains physical and mental doctor. Gate Location

The Hare's Tale[]

  • Contains Monster Hunter NPC, Frying Pan, Therapist, Doctor, Uber Faceless Trainer, Vampire NPC.

Frostfall Town[]

Contains: Bard trainer, Inn keeper, Meat vendor, Merchant and the Engineer. Physical Doctor and Mental Doctor as well. Gate location

Swamp Town[]

  • NPCs:
    • Blacksmith: Enchants your weapon and allows you to buy your weapon back if you lose it. (If you somehow lose Solan's Sword, go to Kalvey in Kalvey's Throne to get your sword back.)
    • Weapon shop thingy *has daggers and caestus I believe*
  • Quest Items:
    • The toolbox for the Abyss Dancer quest will be in this area. On the same level as the merchant.

The Grand Archive[]

  • NPCs:
    • Snap Trainer: Obtain snap magic after casting a spell the required amount of times (this is random and could range from 1 - 1000+). Costs 250 Valu.
    • Scroll Roulette: Allows you to pay 250 Valu to get a random spell.
    • Uber Illusionist Trainer: Gives you the quest for Uber Illusionist if you have the required amount of Purity.
    • Staff Seller: Paying 500 Valu will grant you a staff allowing you to cast spells at any percentage as long as it's over 50%, similar to a Philosopher Stone.
    • Minerva's Training (If you skipped Fallion's training): Requires 3 Crystal Roots (Drop your crystal root and only have one in your inventory or else she will take them all.)
    • House creator: Allows you to create a house if you are day 20. Allows you to leave your current house also. Also allows you to change your title (costs 500 valu).
    • Subclass Trainer: A man will ask you which field you wish to learn, (Music, Cooking, Mining, and Alchemy) and by clicking one of them, you get all of the skills of that subclass for completely free. (As long as you did the quest to talk to people in Archives)
    • Soul Master: Allows one to obtain a soul snap in Khei. For a price, of course.

Gulnir's Keep[]
